
Linux Server Configuration (Notes)

Root directories:

/home: users directories

/etc: configuration files (db, server, …)

/var: variable (in size & number) files => typically system & app logs

/bin: executable binaries that are accessible by all users

/sbin: like sbin, but binaries for only root user => system admin & maint.

/lib: libraries that support binaries

/usr: user programs/binaries (which are not required for bootup & system maint.)



~/.bash_history: recent history of every command user type in terminal

Change the group of a FILE:

[sudo] chgrp GROUP FILE

Change the owner of a FILE:

[sudo] chown USER FILE

Remove packages that are no longer required & can be automatically removed:

sudo apt-get autoremove

Each linux dist. serves an easy-to-browse version of packages:

for ubuntu: http://packages.ubuntu.com => use search

Finger: a user information lookup program

sudo apt-get install finger

/etc/passwd: info about users

/etc/sudoers: who can use sudo command (#includedir /etc/sudoers.d) keeping customization in “/etc/sudoers.d” (common pattern) avoids being reset in case of distribution update overwrites “/etc/sudoers

Don’t use “su”, use “sudo commands” instead

Disable root user

Change password of currently logged-in user:


Force USER to reset his/her password @ next login (expire password):

sudo passwd -e USER

Public key is the key placed on server for key-based authentication

MD5 & SHA256 are hashing algorithms (one-way) not suitable for public key encryption

Configure SSH (key-based logins):

Disable any password logins (forcing key-based authentication):

Disable “root” login via ssh:

Disable/lock “root” login at all:

Configure the UFW firewall (Allow only required ports)

Ubuntu’s Firewall (ufw) is by default inactive: sudo ufw status

CAUTION: ssh IS on a connection

Recommendation: configure firewall early after server installation

sudo ufw default deny incoming: by default deny all incoming

sudo ufw default allow outgoing: by default allow all outgoing

sudo ufw allow ssh

sudo ufw allow 2222/tcp (custom ssh port in vagrant)

`sudo ufw allow www

sudo ufw enable